The Benefits of using a Prelander

The Benefits of using a Prelander

Posted on 14-08-2024 by Wouter Groenewoud

What is a Prelander?

Before we get into the benefits, it's essential to understand what a prelander is. A prelander is an intermediary page that a user encounters before being directed to the final offer page. It acts as a buffer, warming up the prospect and preparing them for the main offer. Instead of sending traffic directly to the offer, the prelander is designed to engage, educate, or entertain the user, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion when they reach the offer page. You basically warm up the user. This could be done by several different prelanders. Like sweepstake angle, but you can also do survey or antivirus angle, just try to be ceative here.

The Benefits of Using a Prelander

  1. Increased Conversion Rates

The primary benefit of using a prelander is its ability to boost conversion rates and as mentioned to warm up the user. A well-designed prelander can pre-qualify users, ensuring that those who reach the final offer page are genuinely interested and more likely to convert. By filtering out less interested users, you improve the quality of traffic to your offer, leading to higher conversion rates.

  1. Enhanced User Engagement

Prelanders are an excellent way to engage users before they encounter the offer. Whether through compelling storytelling, intriguing questions, or interactive content, a prelander captures the user's attention and builds anticipation. By the time they reach the offer page, they're already invested in the experience, making them more likely to take action.

  1. Effective Audience Segmentation

Prelanders allow you to segment your audience more effectively. By creating multiple prelanders targeting different demographics or user interests, you can tailor the content to resonate with specific groups. This personalized approach increases the relevance of the offer, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

  1. Improved Compliance and Ad Approval

In the mobile content space, compliance with advertising policies is crucial. Directly linking to offers can sometimes trigger issues with ad networks, leading to disapprovals or account suspensions. A prelander can help mitigate this risk by providing a compliant layer between the ad and the offer. This approach not only protects your campaigns but can also speed up the approval process, allowing you to scale more quickly.

  1. Better Tracking and Optimization

Prelanders provide an additional layer of tracking, giving you more data to analyze and optimize your campaigns. By monitoring user behavior on the prelander, you can identify which elements are working and which need improvement. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your strategies, leading to more effective campaigns over time.

  1. Higher Ad Quality Scores

Ad networks often assess the quality of your landing page when determining your ad’s quality score. A high-quality prelander that delivers value to the user can positively impact this score, leading to lower costs per click and better ad placements. This, in turn, can make your campaigns more cost-effective and scalable.

  1. Reduced Ad Fatigue

Directly promoting the same offer repeatedly can lead to ad fatigue, where users become desensitized to your ads, resulting in lower click-through rates and conversions. A prelander introduces variety into your campaigns, refreshing the user experience and reducing the likelihood of ad fatigue. By periodically changing your prelander content, you keep your campaigns fresh and engaging.

      8. Fast use Prelanders:

For the click2call or click2sms offers of Traffic Company we offer 'standard' prelanders which you can select during the process when you select an offer and create your tracking link.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Prelanders

To reap the benefits of a prelander, it's essential to follow best practices in its design and implementation:

  • Keep it Simple: Your prelander should have a clear, concise message that aligns with the offer. Avoid clutter and focus on driving the user toward the next step.
  • Focus on Value: Highlight the benefits or unique aspects of the offer to create a compelling reason for the user to continue.
  • Use Strong CTAs: A clear and persuasive call to action is crucial. Make it easy for the user to understand what they need to do next.
  • Test and Optimize: Continuously test different versions of your prelander to identify what resonates best with your audience. Use A/B testing to refine your approach and improve results over time.
  • Feedback: Feel free to contact your Traffic Company Account manager to give you feedback.


In the competitive world of mobile content offers, using a prelander can significantly enhance your campaign's effectiveness. By increasing user engagement, improving conversion rates, and providing valuable insights for optimization, prelanders are a powerful tool in any marketer's arsenal. If you haven’t yet incorporated prelanders into your strategy, now is the time to start. With careful planning and execution, you’ll likely see a marked improvement in your campaign performance, leading to better ROI and sustained success.

Note: If you need any help with using prelanders, feel free to contact your AM. 

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